Never Stop Learning

I’ve found in my work with veterans that those who are a little older have a strong desire to learn how to use a computer. There are certainly enough benefits for overcoming the challenges of being technologically challenged!

First of all, many veterans love playing games on-line. It’s a good distraction from pain and discomfort, and it’s something to do that’s enjoyable.

Secondly, it’s a wonderful tool for learning. The veterans I’ve worked with want to know what’s new with PTSD, TBI and in other treatments. It’s a good way to keep up-to-date on the newest information on whatever illness or disability you may have.

But perhaps the most beneficial use of a computer for veterans is connecting with friends and others. It can be a lifesaver when you’re fighting depression in the middle of the night and need to put your thoughts on paper so you can let go of them, or connecting with a buddy who’s been there and made it through to the other side.

Learning to use the computer when you haven’t grown up with it can be a real challenge. I know one veteran who went to three different computer training classes and none of them addressed how to turn the computer on! But, he kept at it and kept asking and now can email and do many other things on the computer.

Disability Network/Lakeshore offers a computer training class once a month. Our staff will work one-on-one with you to show you how to do the basics so you can have fun on the computer. Every second Tuesday of the month, from 2:30 pm until 4:30 pm, our staff are available to assist veterans in computer basics. Why don’t you join us?